Puzzles for Wed, Oct 1, 2014:  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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Daily Crossword Puzzle #5 for Wed, Oct 1, 2014

1. Roll call or roster of names
5. Demure
9. R.R. building
12. Blind as ____
13. Opera by Verdi
14. Agitate
15. Lacquered or enameled metalware
16. Carrot, for example
17. Welles in "The Third Man"
18. Snakelike fish
19. Was introduced to
21. High-strength synthetic material
22. Long journey
24. Compass dir.
26. Period
27. White Person, in Hawaii
28. Jazz singing style
29. Old (Scot.)
30. A city in N France, SE of Calais
32. Elects
36. Toward shelter
37. To free from
38. Indian titles of respect
39. In addition
40. Taiwanese island in East China Sea
42. Penny
43. Floor protectors
44. Stop
46. Double-curved letter
49. Adept person
50. Australian parrot (variant)
51. Drug addict
53. Baking dish
54. Heredity factor (abbr.)
57. ____ Jay Lerner
58. Shade of tan
61. Adolescent
62. Allows
63. Lick closed
64. To the inside or interior of
65. Begley and Asner
66. Drink excessively
67. Singer James

1. Pace
2. Mitch Miller's instrument
3. Baron Munchausen's specialties
4. Had dinner
5. Role in a play
6. _ de Janeiro
7. Wedding promise
8. Floor protector
9. Vertical member of a panel or frame
10. The easternmost of the Lesser Sundas
11. Sports stadium
14. Mischievous
19. Cartoonist voice _ Blanc
20. Made supply last
21. Fish or hair follower
23. Cowboy competition
24. Oodles
25. Declare
27. Frame or body of a ship
28. Costumes for special activities
29. Auto club (abbr.)
31. Speak pompously
32. Witty Wilde
33. Elected leader of a country
34. Prong on a fork
35. Fast jet (abbr.)
40. Big _
41. Southern CA. univ.
43. Spoil
45. A really long time
46. Peak District village in England
47. Having a sole or soles
48. Arguments over trivial matters
52. Followers of ems
53. Whimper
55. Remaining after all deductions
56. Small Philippine buffalo
58. Eastern Standard Time (abbr.)
59. Corporate head (abbr.)
60. Strike
61. Neckwear