Puzzles for Thu, Oct 2, 2014:  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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Daily Crossword Puzzle #5 for Thu, Oct 2, 2014

1. Compass dir.
4. Nanny
8. Big collection agency
11. Not wild
13. Stories
15. Teachers' org.
16. Detail
17. Came up
18. Glance over
19. "_ and Lucy" (Charlie Brown theme song)
21. And so on (abbr.)
22. Scottish caps
23. Conclude
24. Attila the _
27. The 19th letter of the Greek alphabet
29. Centimeter-gram-second unit of force
30. Standard of perfection
34. Madame (abbr.)
36. Unclean, religiously
39. Haggard of country music
40. Stitch closed the eyes of (a falcon)
41. Unconcealed
43. The longest river in the world
44. Ferber et al.
46. Writer Wiesel
47. Beverage made from leaves
48. Trials
49. Hearing organs
51. It would
53. _ Lanka
54. Health resort
57. Inside; within (prefix)
60. Binary compound
63. Witty Wilde
65. Precipitation
66. Woody, climbing, usually tropical plant
69. Jacques of French films
70. A saturated hydrocarbon
71. Failure
72. Actor Baldwin
73. Small boy
74. Proofreading order
75. Santa ___, CA

1. Vertical member of a panel or frame
2. Smooth fabric
3. Make improvements or corrections to
4. _ moment's notice (2 wds.)
5. Impair
6. Medicinal plant
7. Behest
8. South American Indian
9. 480, 500 or 516 sheets of paper
10. Without
12. Australian flightless bird
14. Religious group
18. SAT takers
20. Like a shrinking violet
25. To (old English)
26. Boldness
28. Direct toward a target or goal
29. Accusation by an informer
31. 4th largest of the Great Lakes
32. Silent film actress Nazimova
33. Area sheltered from the wind
34. Ancient Persian
35. Not women's
37. Snakelike fish
38. Strips of potato fried in deep fat
40. Arrange properly for use
42. Rend
45. Fast jet (abbr.)
50. _ de Janeiro
52. Deli pickle
54. Any of the three canals of the cochlea
55. Eucharist need
56. N. Chile seaport
57. Part of Q.E.F.
58. Grandmother
59. Passed on
61. "Vaya con ____"
62. Compass direction
64. R.R. building
67. Born
68. Tate display