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Daily Crossword Puzzle #7 for Thu, Oct 23, 2014

1. Casino tip
5. Goddess of spring and wife of Bragi
9. Chooses
13. Wrote a lyric poem
14. Pace
15. Indian titles of respect
16. Adolescent
17. Music written for nine
18. Prong on a fork
19. Catching in a trap
21. Opposite of masc.
22. Not divided or shared with others
23. Object of repulsion
24. Adept person
27. Directed
28. Hiding places for outlaws
29. Dipping utensil
31. One of the 12 tribes of Israel
32. _ the terrible
36. 4th largest of the Great Lakes
37. Cut the grass
38. Grand slam
39. Singer James
40. R.R. building
41. Exchanges for money
42. Afternoon social gatherings
44. "___ Little Indians"
46. Make lace
47. Those people
48. Armor plate that protects the chest
50. Elected rep.
51. Speakers
54. The sixth month of the Jewish calendar
56. Having ears or earlike features
58. Allows
60. Travel on or in a vehicle
61. Three-handed card game
62. Send forth
63. Nourish
64. Comfort
65. Dinghy

1. Small child
2. Lyric poems
3. Peachy ____!
4. Ferber et al.
5. Pressed
6. Mild oath, euphamism for damn
7. Shoshoni
8. Fish or hair follower
9. Clearly or manifestly demonstrative
10. First class
11. Shallow baking pan
12. Compass dir.
17. Mediterranean tributary
20. Hero or heavy, e.g.
21. Air blower
23. Benjamin's nick name
24. Toward shelter
25. Heavy open wagon
26. Prepare for publication
28. Fool
30. Tough but pliablecoriaceous
31. ___ good deed
33. Electrical Unit
34. Silent film actress Nazimova
35. Egg locale
37. Mountains (abbr.)
40. Declare
41. In a ____ (agitated or irritated)
43. Car or cant ending
44. Cylindrical with tapered ends
45. Mild oath
47. Sadhe (variant)
49. Having a sole or soles
51. Mouths or openings
52. San ____ (Riviera town)
53. Commotion
54. Sandy's bark
55. Expire
56. Compass dir.
57. Alias (abbr.)
59. Filthy place