Puzzles for Wed, Oct 29, 2014:  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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Daily Crossword Puzzle #1 for Wed, Oct 29, 2014

1. Erode
5. Thailand, formerly
9. Settles
13. Singer Brickell
14. Israeli folk dance
15. Singles
16. Small boys
17. French painter Edouard
18. Monthly bill
19. Modes
21. Call ___ day
22. Not divided or shared with others
23. Use a swizzle stick
24. Raised railways
27. Directed
28. Compass direction
29. You are
31. Stealthy
32. Austrian river, tributary to the Danube
36. One of the Great Lakes
37. Fr. "Yes"
38. Von Bismarck
39. Arranges properly for use
40. One of the 12 tribes of Israel
41. Snout, nose
42. Composer Stravinsky
44. Indian title of respect (Mr.)
46. Nursemaid (var.)
47. Lyric poems
48. Parka part
50. Perceive with the eye
51. Player piano
54. Ache
56. Excessive but superficial compliments
58. Deli pickle
60. Actor Baldwin
61. Small pie
62. Open wide
63. Have the gumption
64. Tenement units (abbr.)
65. Celtic language

1. Dripping
2. Dutch treat
3. Assistant
4. Musical pauses
5. Cast a shadow over
6. Charged atoms
7. "We ___ not amused" (Victoria)
8. Floor covering
9. Making a chance decision by using lots
10. Approach
11. Commissioned military rank (abbr.)
12. Fast jet (abbr.)
17. Undercover agent
20. Opening into or through something
21. ___ a Wonderful Life
23. Declare
24. Snake ____ (dice throw)
25. Old wives' tales, e.g.
26. Set of matching outer garments
28. Biblical high priest
30. Home
31. Player for Phoenix
33. Portico
34. Tiny particle
35. Roll call or roster of names
37. Rowing implement
40. Two (Sp.)
41. The Jewish people; Israel
43. Turn to the right
44. Upper-body garments
45. Wander aimlessly
47. Flexible twig of a willow tree
49. Evade
51. Component
52. One who doesn't tell the truth
53. High mountains
54. Groovy apt.
55. Chicken ___ king
56. R.R. building
57. Atlas unit
59. Area sheltered from the wind