Puzzles for Wed, Sep 30, 2015:  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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Daily Crossword Puzzle #1 for Wed, Sep 30, 2015

1. Stockings
5. Raised railways
8. Daniel's nick name
11. Made supply last
12. Stalk of a moss capsule
14. Compass dir.
15. Nick name for Arthur
17. The Jewish people; Israel
18. Papal veil
19. Soft color
21. Dismiss
23. Cards in a Roman deck?
25. A slight indication
26. Russian ruler of old
27. Male child
28. Make imperfect
31. Immediately
33. Reproach for some lapse or misdeed
35. Fur scarf
37. Opera by Verdi
38. Science/research agcy.
40. Writer Wiesel
41. Agitate, as a liquid
43. Electrically charged atom
45. Fish or hair follower
46. For each
47. Compass dir.
50. Carrot, for example
52. South American Indian
53. A weed
54. Sunflower state
56. A period of five years
61. Hindu Mythology: god of death
62. Allows
65. Tear up
66. Actress Gardner
67. _ vera
68. Froth on beer
69. Island
70. R.R. building
71. Folds over and sews together

1. Pile
2. Gumbo ingredient
3. Arranges properly for use
4. Prepare for publication
5. Curvy letter
6. Flowery wreath
7. Unemotional ones
8. Letter starter
9. Queen of England 1702-14
10. Modern: prefix
13. White American of non-Hispanic descent
16. Snakelike fish
18. Enemy
20. One who doesn't tell the truth
22. Religious women
24. SW Asia republic
26. It was, poetically
28. Undercover agent
29. Set down
30. Portuguese money of account (variant)
31. Mediterranean tributary
32. Scent
34. Air pressure measure (abbr.)
36. Portable shelter
37. Cleo's killer
39. Tined utensil
42. Coop moms
44. Christmas carol
48. Any of the three canals of the cochlea
49. Artist's stands
51. Amu Darya
52. _ tizzy (2 wds.)
54. Polynesian shrub of the pepper family
55. Like ___ of sunshine
57. Quiet!
58. Relationship diagram
59. 480, 500 or 516 sheets of paper
60. Sums up
61. Apple computer (short form)
63. Small child
64. Ocean