Puzzles for Thu, Jul 7, 2016:  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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Daily Crossword Puzzle #1 for Thu, Jul 7, 2016

1. Otherwise
5. White ___ sheet
8. Indian skirt
12. Letter starter
13. Reproach for some lapse or misdeed
14. Middle Eastern gold or silver currency
15. Grandmother
16. Pleas
19. Tate display
20. More lively and spirited
21. Billionth: prefix
23. Single
24. Had dinner
27. Opera by Verdi
30. To trail on the ground
31. Food holders
34. Needle case
35. Central Nebraska county
38. Music written for nine
40. Allows
41. Stare at amorously
42. Ear of corn
44. Necklace unit
45. Highlander
46. Elected rep.
47. Feline
50. 1994 drama film starring Jodie Foster
53. Speakers
57. Electrically charged atom
59. Supplementary
63. Conductor's collection
64. N. Chile seaport
65. Writing instrument
66. Extremities
67. Sliced desserts
68. Working for oneself (abbr.)
69. Vertical spar for supporting sails

1. Pulitzer Prize-winning author Ferber
2. Memorize
3. Before Barbara or Clara
4. Period
5. Length times width
6. Without
7. Flats, for short
8. Be seated
9. Cuckoo
10. Actress Charlotte
11. Big collection agency
14. Have the gumption
17. _ de Janeiro
18. Car or cant ending
20. Earth
22. Slept
24. Johnson of "Laugh-In"
25. Drawn tight
26. The front part of a cuirass
28. One of the 12 tribes of Israel
29. Smallest unit of an element
30. Keyboard key
32. Compass dir.
33. Oceans
35. Tennis shots
36. Double curve, resembling the letter S
37. ____ Bator
39. Affectionate concern, for short
43. Charged atoms
47. Root beer relative
48. "We ___ not amused" (Victoria)
49. Make lace
51. Woody, climbing, usually tropical plant
52. Titled peers of a realm
54. Native american tent (variation)
55. Baking chamber
56. Tear apart
58. Egg locale
59. Plant excrement
60. RI univ.
61. Sliced dessert
62. Personal Computers (abbr.)
63. Opposite of masc.