Puzzles for Sun, Oct 2, 2016:  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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Daily Crossword Puzzle #8 for Sun, Oct 2, 2016

1. Fifth month
4. Jai ____
8. To erase
12. Period
13. Drug cop
14. Greek god of love
15. Laconic
18. Single time
19. Zero-star reviews
20. Catching in a trap
22. Male child
23. In a ____ (agitated or irritated)
24. Distant
25. Arrange properly for use
26. Speakers
30. _ Lanka
33. Money paid out
36. Genesis locale
37. Not recorded
39. Actress Charlotte
40. Western Nevada city
41. Freehold land
42. Mother
44. Morning condensation
45. Commissioned military rank
47. Big collection agency
50. Solemn pledge
51. Floor protectors
53. Lion
54. Choose not to consume
57. Age
59. Female horse
61. Keyboard key
63. Position in a hierarchy or organization
64. Woody plant
65. Compass dir.
66. Essential or central part
67. Burn superficially
68. A female animal or person

1. Was introduced to
2. Ancient Greek god of war
3. Entertaining tales
4. At once, immediately (arch.)
5. Long (Scottish)
6. Curve
7. Frozen water
8. Newsperson
9. Like ___ of sunshine
10. Male child
11. Double-curved letter
16. Without
17. One of the Great Lakes
21. "Tell ____ the Marines!"
22. Sound made by sheep
24. From
26. Double curve, resembling the letter S
27. Wrote a lyric poem
28. French philosopher Descartes
29. Overwhelm
30. A hard, heavy blow
31. Travel on or in a vehicle
32. "Terrible" tsar
34. Mountain range
35. Make lace
38. Veterans Day date
42. Opening into something insatiable
43. Basketball hoops
46. Friend of Pooh
48. Assign a rank or rating to
49. Comedian Laurel of Laurel & Hardy
52. Locates
53. Plunder
54. Type of rug
55. Fermented drink made from hops
56. Tender
57. Viper
58. Connecticut Ivy Leaguer
59. Mountains (abbr.)
60. "We ___ not amused" (Victoria)
62. Portuguese money of account (variant)