Puzzles for Wed, Oct 5, 2016:  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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Daily Crossword Puzzle #9 for Wed, Oct 5, 2016

1. Petroleum
4. Tiny particle
8. Small, secluded valley
12. Before (prefix)
13. Sports stadium
14. Tall New Zealand timber tree
15. Pull apart
17. One who wires
18. Enthusiastic
19. Paper fasteners
21. Electrical Unit
23. Part of HMS, perhaps
24. Allow
26. Car or cant ending
27. Painter Guido (1575-1642)
28. Sums up
30. Spoil
31. Hyrax
34. Pacific Standard Time (abbr.)
37. Supplement with great effort
38. Declaim
39. Fr. "Yes"
40. Directed
41. Slanted
42. Portuguese money of account (variant)
43. Arranges properly for use
44. Tenement units (abbr.)
46. R.R. building
47. Compass dir.
50. And not
51. Fortification
54. Devices for capturing images
57. Having or resembling wings
58. To the left, to Queeg
60. Become fatigued
62. Hero or heavy, e.g.
63. Natives or inhabitants of Denmark
64. Shallow baking pan
65. Play the lead
66. Moved rapidly
67. Compass dir.

1. Choose
2. Angers
3. Resembling or made to resemble leather
4. Satellite of Uranus
5. Laconic
6. Single
7. Hindu Mythology: god of death
8. Raisin fruits
9. Make or become more lively
10. Independent ruler or chieftain
11. Naked
13. Leather borer
16. Precipitation
20. 23rd letter of the Greek alphabet
22. Ancient Persian
25. Clothes sense
27. Immoral or dissolute person
29. Passed on
30. Cartoonist voice _ Blanc
31. Dunce
32. Came up
33. Plant excrement
34. Likenesses of persons
35. Takes to court
36. Neckwear
41. Singe
43. A viewer who gazes fixedly
44. A saturated hydrocarbon
45. Left side of a ship or aircraft
46. Any of the three canals of the cochlea
48. Biscuitlike quick bread
49. Having ears or earlike features
51. Hearing organs
52. Narrow, elongated depression
53. Writing tablets
55. Mountains (abbr.)
56. Indian titles of respect
59. Infant food
61. Compass dir.