Puzzles for Fri, Oct 21, 2016:  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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Daily Crossword Puzzle #5 for Fri, Oct 21, 2016

1. Groovy apt.
4. Toward shelter
8. Viper
11. Type of rug
13. Not women's
14. Double curve, resembling the letter S
15. Austrian-born American filmmaker Fritz
16. Introduce or present, as a question
17. SW Asia republic
18. Gist
21. American astronaut and politician John
22. Dry up
23. Ocean
25. Double-curved letter
26. Bear (Spanish)
29. Orators
32. 2nd pers. sing. pres. of can (arch.)
34. Distant
35. Clumsy lout
38. Long journey
39. Short, simple song
41. Silent film actress Nazimova
43. White ___ sheet
44. Had dinner
45. Channel Islands abalone
46. State head
50. Deep reverence
51. Eastern Standard Time (abbr.)
54. Symbol (abbr.)
55. Blind as ____
57. Archer's quiver
59. Flamboyance
63. Torque (variant)
64. Pile
67. Take by theft
68. Celtic language
69. Migrant worker of the '30s
70. Indian skirt
71. Observe
72. Look after
73. Make imperfect

1. Diluted with white
2. Ancient river in northeast Turkey
3. Habitations of wild animals
4. Electrical Unit
5. Lion
6. Followers of ems
7. Compass dir.
8. Match
9. Seines
10. Actor Sean's family
12. Matures
14. Petroleum
19. A home for chicks
20. Head covering
21. Slender fish
23. Three-handed card game
24. Suggestive of the supernatural
26. Sep. follower
27. "Two Mules for Sister ____"
28. Washington bills
30. Following
31. Fly high
33. Heroin
36. _ mater
37. Soared
39. American folk hero Crockett
40. A whole individual unit
42. "We ___ not amused" (Victoria)
45. Northwest Algerian city
47. Order of Saint Francis (abbr.)
48. Slept
49. Chief or king in Benin or Nigeria
51. _____ Park, CO
52. Dinah or Pauly
53. Laconic
56. Labels
58. Adept person
60. Dollar (slang)
61. Israeli folk dance
62. Arab leader
64. Being at a high temperature
65. Make supply last
66. The 18th letter of the Arabic alphabet