Puzzles for Mon, Nov 28, 2016:  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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Daily Crossword Puzzle #4 for Mon, Nov 28, 2016

1. Apertif with cassis
4. Put down
8. Celtic language
12. Compass dir.
13. Inside; within (prefix)
14. Small bottle
15. Compass direction
17. River in Europe
18. Erodes
19. Keyboard key
21. Madame (abbr.)
23. Whopper
24. _____ Park, CO
26. Curve
28. Snakelike fish
30. Orator
34. Arrange properly for use
37. ____ Bator
39. Edible starchy tuberous root
40. Supplement with great effort
41. Eroded
43. Large container
44. Portable shelter
46. Confront
47. _ moment's notice (2 wds.)
48. Inveterate users
51. Tall New Zealand timber tree
54. Snakelike fish
55. Sir (Sp.)
58. RI univ.
61. Frozen water
63. The easternmost of the Lesser Sundas
65. Lessep's creation
67. To erase
71. Event that recurs at intervals
72. Flaplike coverings
73. Margarine
74. Nine, plus one
75. Small Philippine buffalo
76. Without
77. "Barney Miller" actor Jack

1. Leg joint
2. Empty; void
3. Musical pauses
4. Lion
5. Added to
6. Binary compound
7. Dormintory (informal)
8. First lady
9. Monetary unit of Yemen
10. Indian skirt
11. Otherwise
16. False hair
18. We are
20. To riddle
22. Atlas unit
25. Change direction abruptly
27. Feline
29. Hits or strikes with great force
30. Contemptuous expression
31. Polynesian shrub of the pepper family
32. Part of Q.E.F.
33. Roll call or roster of names
34. Stalk of a moss capsule
35. Made supply last
36. Look after
38. Had dinner
42. Nuclear Threat Initiatives
45. Make a knot
49. To provide with a ceiling
50. Affectionate concern, for short
52. Was introduced to
53. A single undivided whole
56. Leaves out
57. Cowboy competition
58. Southern CA. univ.
59. Precipitation
60. Southeast Asian peninsula
62. Greek god of love
64. Western Nevada city
66. White ___ sheet
68. Insect wing
69. Elected rep.
70. Greek goddess of the dawn