Puzzles for Sun, May 20, 2018:  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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Daily Crossword Puzzle #1 for Sun, May 20, 2018

1. Have trust in
5. Transmitted
9. Yard entry
13. Singer Brickell
14. Jai ____
15. Some stationery
16. Pismires
17. Seigniories (variant)
19. Actress Charlotte
20. Purpose
21. Music discs
22. One (Scot)
23. Indian titles of respect
25. Small child
26. Portable shelters
30. College mil. group
34. Small stream
35. "____ silly question..."
36. Housemaid
39. Be
42. Carrot, for example
43. Greater amount
44. 1973 Nobel Price Winner (Physics) Leo
46. Lettered men learn these first
47. Difficult or unusual or dangerous feat
48. Ewer handle
51. Snake ____ (dice throw)
54. Institute legal proceedings
57. Deep reverence
58. To separate or throw off
60. Manchild
62. Interpreter
65. Inactive volcano in Sicily
66. Match
67. Burn to charcoal
68. Beverages made from leaves
69. Western Nevada city
70. Is hesitant and indecisive
71. Certainty

1. Located in or toward the back
2. Ferber et al.
3. 61 cubic inches
4. Affirmative reply
5. Backtalk
6. Writer Wiesel
7. Tired old horse
8. Tinged
9. Slender fish
10. Capital of Western Samoa
11. Adolescent
12. Celtic language
15. Mail
18. Wedding promise
20. One who uses or employs something
24. Strong, restless desires
27. Born
28. John Ritter's dad
29. Atmospheres
30. Noteworthy scarcity
31. Bear (Spanish)
32. Ring climax
33. Feline
36. Housemaid (var.)
37. Crowd into
38. Curve
40. Fast jet (abbr.)
41. The 19th letter of the Greek alphabet
45. Leg joint
48. Relaxation
49. Leather borer
50. Arrive at
52. First name in cosmetics
53. Underwater navigation system
54. Play the lead
55. Goad
56. Merit
58. Wander
59. Blunders
61. Political cartoonist Thomas
63. Modern: prefix
64. Definite Article
65. And so on (abbr.)