Puzzles for Thu, Jul 11, 2019:  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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Daily Crossword Puzzle #6 for Thu, Jul 11, 2019

1. Personal Computers (abbr.)
4. Allodial
8. Narrow board
12. Everything
13. Have trust in
14. Drink excessively
15. Parts of speech
18. Yard entry
19. Roll call or roster of names
20. Hard copy producer
22. Large container
23. _ gin
24. Teat (slang)
25. She-sheep
26. Speakers
30. Call ___ day
33. Group of southern Bantu languages
36. Mouths or openings
37. Hindu Mythology: god of death
39. Single
40. Political cartoonist Thomas
41. Demure
42. Robbery
44. French article
45. Paper fasteners
47. Chief or king in Benin or Nigeria
50. A really long time
51. For fear that
53. Attempt
54. Orator
57. Capital of Western Samoa
59. Toward the sea
61. Natives or inhabitants of Denmark
63. Austrian-born American filmmaker Fritz
64. Lacerate
65. Heredity factor (abbr.)
66. Domed church section
67. 90 degrees
68. Filthy place

1. Baking dish
2. Hoof sound
3. Plays smoothly or legato
4. Goad
5. Letter starter
6. Keyboard modifier key
7. Potassium hydroxide
8. Ski resort town in Vermont
9. Spoils
10. Fitting
11. Afternoon social gathering
16. "Death on the ____"
17. Frozen precipitation
21. Adolescent
22. By way of
24. Three (prefix)
26. Washington bills
27. Of the mouth
28. To erase
29. Fast planes
30. Naughty children
31. Small pie
32. Roberta Peters solo
34. Moves
35. Corn or form start
38. Electrical Measurement
42. Layer
43. Lacquered or enameled metalware
46. Myrna of the movies
48. Necklace unit
49. "____ silly question..."
52. Is inclined (to)
53. Airtight sealed metal containers
54. Oceans
55. Role in a play
56. Monthly bill
57. According to
58. Infant food
59. Had dinner
60. Ocean
62. Declare