Puzzles for Mon, Mar 2, 2020:  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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Daily Crossword Puzzle #2 for Mon, Mar 2, 2020

1. Parent Teacher Association (abbr.)
4. Picture
9. Soaks
13. Distress signal
14. Composer Copland
15. Opinion
16. Big collection agency
17. Window treatment
18. Actor's bit
19. Lubricate
21. A saturated hydrocarbon
22. Makes a sale
24. Dry up
26. Deep reverence
27. Brizilian seaport
29. Proofreading order
30. 1973 Nobel Price Winner (Physics) Leo
31. Australian parrot (variant)
33. Scottish cap
36. Elected rep.
37. Separating forcefully
40. "One Day ___ Time"
41. Make lace
42. Claim
43. Lowest deck of a ship
45. Among
47. Insides of hands
48. Feline
49. Inconspicuous attention getter
50. Religious groups
52. Lyricist Gershwin
54. Ewer handle
56. Inside; within (prefix)
57. Streamer paper
59. Directed
61. Without
62. Natives or inhabitants of Denmark
63. Australian flightless bird
64. Petty quarrel
65. Derisive sound
66. "Barney Miller" actor Jack

1. Air pressure measure (abbr.)
2. "Corrida" creature
3. Helper
4. Groovy apt.
5. Ethiopian city, capital of Harari
6. Northwest Algerian city
7. Drink excessively
8. Single
9. Place for singles
10. Morally bad or wrong
11. Canisters
12. Compass dir.
20. Path through which fluid escapes
22. Smooth fabric
23. She-sheep
25. Set down
27. Egg locale
28. At sea
29. Indian titles of respect
31. Put down
32. Globe
33. Baron Munchausen's specialties
34. Smallest unit of an element
35. Atlas contents
38. Prepares for publication
39. Republicans
44. To erase
45. Buttonhole
46. Floor protector
49. Some stationery
50. Fastener
51. Pulitzer Prize-winning author Ferber
52. SW Asia republic
53. Former U.S. Attorney General Janet
55. San ____ (Riviera town)
56. Double-curved letter
57. Music discs
58. Eastern Standard Time (abbr.)
60. Superhero pair