Puzzles for Sat, Apr 18, 2020:  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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Daily Crossword Puzzle #7 for Sat, Apr 18, 2020

1. Republicans
5. Practice fight
9. To provide with a ceiling
13. Actor Baldwin
14. Billionth: prefix
15. Singer Brickell
16. Rump
17. Cowboy competition
18. Put down
19. Speakers
21. Pipe bend
22. Yard entry
23. Drink excessively
24. Raised railways
27. Two (Sp.)
28. Expression of disdain
29. For Whom the Bell _____
31. Born
32. Gumbo ingredient
36. Woody plant
37. Male offspring
38. Famous astronaut Armstrong
39. Opera by Verdi
40. Partially opened flower
41. Gives food to
42. Loyal
44. Parent Teacher Association (abbr.)
46. Modern: prefix
47. Not this but _
48. Israeli folk dance
50. Perceive with the eye
51. Devices for capturing images
54. Having or resembling wings
56. Dinah or Pauly
58. International (abbr.)
60. Thickened enlargement
61. Edible starchy tuberous root
62. Needle case
63. Colored
64. Sums up
65. Actor's bit

1. Slender fish
2. Butter sub
3. Lightbulb-shaped fruit
4. Lean end of the neck
5. Sounds asleep
6. Groovy apts.
7. One (Scot)
8. Friend of Pooh
9. Portable communications device
10. Peak District village in England
11. One more than two
12. Directed
17. Printing process, for short
20. Small amounts or degrees
21. Greek goddess of the dawn
23. Standoff
24. Singer James
25. Australian parrot (variant)
26. Downhill vehicle
28. Fenced enclosure
30. Tough but pliablecoriaceous
31. Lower and raise head in agreement
33. Peachy ____!
34. Travel on an animal
35. In addition
37. Institute legal proceedings
40. Yet
41. Conductor's collection
43. Actress Charlotte
44. N Egypt peninsula
45. Heavy book
47. Sadhe (variant)
49. Satellite of Uranus
51. Drawstring
52. Against
53. Astound
54. Also
55. Myrna of the movies
56. R.R. building
57. Possessed
59. Whopper