Puzzles for Fri, Jan 27, 2023:  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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Daily Crossword Puzzle #2 for Fri, Jan 27, 2023

1. Followers of ems
4. Armor plate that protects the chest
8. Bar bills
12. ___ good deed
13. Female horse
14. Collude with
15. Queen of England 1702-14
17. Mountain range
18. Grin
19. Distance measurement (Brit.)
21. Egg _ yung
23. Make lace
24. Clothes sense
26. Lower and raise head in agreement
28. Shade of tan
30. Commissioned military rank
34. Atlas unit
37. Of the mouth
39. Thickened enlargement
40. Mouth or opening
41. Gurus
43. Nine, plus one
44. French philosopher Descartes
46. Portable shelter
47. Also
48. Core
51. Billionth: prefix
54. Chop off
55. Impressive in appearance
58. _ Lanka
61. Label
63. Forest
65. Boldness
67. At one time in the past
71. Pulitzer Prize-winning author Ferber
72. It may be bright or harebrained
73. Path through which fluid escapes
74. Separate the seeds from cotton
75. Mail
76. Have the gumption
77. Curvy letter

1. Dutch treat
2. Music written for nine
3. Before Barbara or Clara
4. Australian flightless bird
5. Slender fish
6. Retirement account (abbr.)
7. Itself
8. Scottish cap
9. "This won't hurt ____!"
10. Actor Lugosi
11. Proofreading order
16. Celtic language
18. Within a short period
20. And so on (abbr.)
22. Single
25. Greek god of love
27. Lair
29. A salt of uric acid
30. American astronaut and politician John
31. Roll call or roster of names
32. An important port of Yemen
33. Grant temporary use of
34. Greater amount
35. Ancient Greek god of war
36. Zero-star reviews
38. Personal question
42. Comedian Laurel of Laurel & Hardy
45. Snakelike fish
49. Make mention of
50. Numbers guy (abbr.)
52. Immediately
53. Mitch Miller's instrument
56. Inn
57. Ferber et al.
58. Clip
59. Do over again
60. Angers
62. Gilt
64. Without
66. Large container
68. Teachers' org.
69. 4-wheeled motor vehicle
70. Make supply last