Puzzles for Sat, Dec 2, 2023:  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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Daily Crossword Puzzle #3 for Sat, Dec 2, 2023

1. Sep. follower
4. Capital of Western Samoa
8. Promenade
12. Attempt
13. Pieces
14. Writer Wiesel
15. Become fatigued
17. Get up
18. Sums up
19. Mood resulting from idleness
21. Most capable
23. Small bed
24. Modern: prefix
26. Atmosphere
27. Plate
28. Past tense of be (plural)
30. Small boy
31. Ringlike coral islands and reefs
34. Enemy
37. RI univ.
38. Natives or inhabitants of Denmark
39. Plus
40. Car or cant ending
41. Keyboard key
42. French article
43. Prong on a fork
44. Backtalk
46. Perceive with the eye
47. Plant excrement
50. Before (prefix)
51. Pottery fragments
54. Flamboyance
57. Carry
58. Learning spot: Fr.
60. Flatfish
62. Set down
63. Singer Mel
64. Boat paddle
65. French philosopher Descartes
66. Flats, for short
67. Heredity factor (abbr.)

1. Baseball player Mel
2. Baby bed with high sides
3. Polypeptide antibiotic
4. Composer Copland
5. A-one
6. ___ a Wonderful Life
7. At sea
8. Ear of corn
9. Tree or shrub in the Birch family
10. Hats (slang)
11. For fear that
13. Groovy apt.
16. Greek god of love
20. And so on (abbr.)
22. Drinking establishments
25. A small or young owl
27. Have the gumption
29. Otherwise
30. Third day of the wk.
31. Arabian gulf
32. Falsehoods
33. Single
34. It jiggles the polygraph
35. Washington bills
36. Begley and Asner
41. Passed on
43. Cylindrical with tapered ends
44. Health resort
45. Arches
46. Smooth fabric
48. To the left, to Queeg
49. Insides of hands
51. Play the lead
52. Opening into or through something
53. Bristle
55. Born
56. Liveliness
59. Police officer (slang)
61. Period