Puzzles for Sat, Dec 9, 2023:  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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Daily Crossword Puzzle #9 for Sat, Dec 9, 2023

1. Adept person
4. ____ Jay Lerner
8. Greater amount
12. Afternoon social gathering
13. Method
14. Mountain range
15. Columnist Joseph or Stewart
18. Inside; within (prefix)
19. Plant excrements
20. Crying or shouting loudly
22. Snakelike fish
23. Perceives with the eye
24. Baseball player Mel
25. Separate the seeds from cotton
26. Photo
30. Part of HMS, perhaps
33. Add up to
36. Dutch treat
37. Singles
39. Bar
40. Suttee (variant)
41. Fastener
42. Lush
44. Allow
45. Substance
47. Pull behind
50. Black tropical American cuckoo
51. Christmas carol
53. Make supply last
54. Paper fasteners
57. 43,560 square feet
59. Portico
61. Killed
63. Den
64. Inside of hand
65. Friend of Pooh
66. Ancient Greek god of war
67. Does sums
68. Compass dir.

1. Parent Teacher Assoc.
2. Depend
3. Fertile tracts in a desert
4. So be it
5. Yearn
6. Increase
7. Modern: prefix
8. French bagpipes
9. Relating to the mouth
10. Reproach for some lapse or misdeed
11. Raised railways
16. Cassini of fashion
17. Entreaty
21. Is not
22. And so on (abbr.)
24. Lubricate
26. Zero-star reviews
27. Freehold land
28. Pace
29. Give off
30. Stockings
31. Restaurants
32. Oceans
34. Mitch Miller's instrument
35. The 19th letter of the Greek alphabet
38. Orators
42. _-fi
43. Inactive volcano in Sicily
46. Compass dir.
48. I made a mistake
49. Water source
52. Memorize
53. 4th largest of the Great Lakes
54. Disposed of to a purchaser
55. Scottish caps
56. The Jewish people; Israel
57. In the manner of
58. Automobile
59. Health resort
60. Bit
62. Immediately