Puzzles for Wed, Dec 27, 2023:  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
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Daily Crossword Puzzle #10 for Wed, Dec 27, 2023

1. Ocean
4. Corncob
8. Is not
12. For fear that
14. Arabian gulf
15. Letter starter
16. In addition
17. Unrelated to defense, as in spending
20. Russian ruler of old
21. Bear (Spanish)
22. Had dinner
23. Ancient Celtic tribe of eastern Britain
27. Trial
29. Australian parrot (variant)
31. Undercover agent
34. Tree or shrub in the Birch family
35. Ancient Greek god of war
36. Bits
39. Title for a knight
41. Fast planes
42. Matures
43. 180 degrees
46. Actor Lugosi
47. Israeli folk dance
48. So be it
51. Southeast Indonesia island
54. Fish or hair follower
56. Followers of ems
58. Cuts off
61. The property of being fit to eat
66. Calm and collected
67. Small Philippine buffalo
68. Washington bills
69. Singer James
70. Long (Scottish)
71. Gone
72. Compass dir.

1. Narrow board
2. Snakelike fish
3. Slender Brazilian palm
4. Baking dish
5. Wedding promise
6. Writing instrument
7. Inside; within (prefix)
8. Binary compound
9. Legislators
10. Political cartoonist Thomas
11. Woody plant
13. Torque (variant)
18. Eastern Standard Time (abbr.)
19. Enemy
24. Pipe bend
25. Lower and raise head in agreement
26. Angers
28. Box-office sellout
30. From or relating to Ireland
32. Allow
33. Double-curved letter
34. Indian state
36. Keyboard key
37. Grow older
38. Accusation by an informer
40. Carrot, for example
44. RI univ.
45. Scottish cap
49. Snakelike fish
50. Compass dir.
52. At one time in the past
53. Debaucheries
54. Actress Patricia
55. Pulitzer Prize-winning author Ferber
57. Overwhelm
59. Cooking vessels
60. Cole _ (cabbage dish)
62. Container for groceries
63. Compass dir.
64. Elected rep.
65. Fast jet (abbr.)